JY/Jonathan, would you guys mind creating an explanation video for every one of the questions in the problem sets? The questions I end up getting right have explanations whilst the ones that I end up getting wrong...don't. Thanks.
... of at a crossroads with LSAT prep and potentially where I ... signed up for the September LSAT. My goal is to get ... test date to the December LSAT to give myself more study ... I do well on the LSAT I'm a strong candidate ...
Is it better to take the September LSAT if I want to enroll for the fall of 2015? Or would it matter if I change my test date to the December LSAT? Do schools give all of their scholarship money to their first applicants?
Probably the majority of us seeing this discussion forum have not taken the LSAT before, but, do you have any special advice, experience, do's and don´ts that you would like to share regarding LSAT test day?
... last three recent properly administered LSAT PrepTests (e.g., 70, ... already seen everything those crafty LSAT writers will throw at ... difficult curve breaker questions. Every LSAT has them. Every student ... who has ever taken the LSAT before you has encountered ...
Hey everyone, I keep getting around a 155 (highest 157) LSAT score on practice tests. I am very nervous about writing the actually LSAT test next Saturday because I have not yet reached my goal of 160-162. Should I still write the test?
With the LSAT coming up this Saturday (Dec ... was on the December '15 LSAT, but mentioning specifics about the ... talk specifics about December's LSAT!
... all, I took the June LSAT & got 155. I knew ... , but going into the real LSAT with my last practice test ... and then bounce back on LSAT day?
Thanks all advice ...
Of all the timed PTs I did (ranging from 164-171), the actual LSAT ended up being the worst one!! My brain was just completely paralyzed during BOTH of the LG sections!
I hope none of you messed up like I did. Good luck to you all!
I normally score pretty well on my lsat, however like a lot of people I did horribly on the lg. my question is if I score for the sake of arguing that I score 146 , but in December I score 166, what are my chances of getting into a good school?