... . Just checked my June score and got a 165. score a 170 in July ... br />
Score breakdown for June was -3 LG, -6 RC, - ... the last passage. My LGscore is pretty representative and I ... 160 in September 2017 after self studying.
... . I've been focused on fool-proofing logic games from tests ... shouted some expletives out loud after reading the rules). As long ... sections did you have to fool-proof before things really "clicked" for ...
I just started foolproofing the LG Games Bundle and want ... accomplish:
1) LG Bundle Foolproofing in 1-2 ... doing some 1-35 LG sections timed after foolproofing a bunch., incorporating ... Studying and now working on LG Bundle.
... I took two PT's after that and scored a ... am regressing.
My LGscore is now at a -1 ... MY LR or RC score ): I BR after LR, but somehow i ... (BR is sometimes the same score sometimes it's -2). ... do. I feel so defeated after studying for five months and ...
... was at roughly the same score in the mid 140s ... I was only able to foolproof the first two sets of ... but got almost an identical score to my diagnostics. RC is ... just very anxious knowing my score isn't what at ... 150's as my goal score. If someone could recommend ...
I am struggling to believe that by memorizing all the inferences and rules of the core curriculum LGs that I will somehow be able to do all the LGs that come at me. I have trusted in JY's process up until this point but I feel as though I have to make a ...
... the foolproof system. How many logic games sections should I foolproof in ... ? Should I foolproof logic games by type or simply foolproof by exam?”
... . When I get my actual score back after taking a PT, I ... usually go look at the "score conversion ... made a 163 actual score, but the conversion score is a 169 ... . Which score is correct?
Thanks ...
... My diagnostic was 148 and after studying with Powerscore, I ... was at the Games after I'd already done ... time. But the reported score is all that matters. ... more than your score, and here's proof (in reverse order ... experience. Get the highest score you can on this ...