... currently. I am currently fool-proofing logicgames and have about 90 hours ... of logic game study left. This ... />
Now until May 22nd: LogicGamesfool-proofing
May 23rd to ...
You still practice/FoolProofMethod by solving for all sub-game boards (if reasonable) and making as many inferences as possible right? Like the way I do it in the videos?
This method works for all sections really but for RC - The memory method and BR should go hand in hand and for LG, its the foolproofmethod!
Thank you @willedward and @Al
You make me laugh. seamusyarbrough. BECAUSE LG is really doable and you WILL improve and get your target score. Just work at it and use the foolproofmethod. :)
"PRINT OUT 10 COPIES" lol but seriously. I would take a week to just focus on LG. If you get any wrong follow the foolproofmethod and continue practicing!
... 15 minutes etc.. @ddakjiking 's method is pretty spot on to ... about accuracy first. Using the fool-proofmethod is great although I never ... nice to have for this method.
Have you been dong the FoolProofMethod? Maybe go over the most recent LG's you've done, and see why you're missing those questions. Print a couple copies of each, and keep redoing them until you have all of the inferences down.