I want to buy books to prep myself for the LSAT, however there are so many choices to choose from! It makes it almost impossible to make up my mind. Please help!
... , I have been struggling keeping focus as I read the LR ... myself, I can't keep focus sometimes which causes me to ... read to improve memory and focus but I don't know ... tips anyone has with LR focus or just focus in general?
... true almost all of the books from the past 150 will ... me that the historically insignificant books could still have a chance ... then it says that the books of historical significance will have ... doesn't say the insignificant books wouldn't be placed in ...
Are there many things more dangerous on this test than a Sufficient Assumption answer choice in a Necessary Assumption question? It's like trying to distinguish a blueberry from something that looks like a blueberry but is poisonous. Not to mention we've ...