I have a disability that prevents me from taking the LSAT on the computer.
Why did 7 sage remove the ability to print practice test?
Anyone know where I can find PDFs of practice test?
I'm trying to print out some drilling sets and it looks like there is no way to do it anymore. Did 7Sage remove the printing feature or am I missing something?
... of the LSAT would henceforth feature two pages for logic games ... /lsac-all-lsats-will-now-feature-two-pages-for-logic-games ... feel somewhat confident that this new lg layout will continue.
I actually find it easier not to print out everything and just use highlight feature on the PDF after I download the file. Just a tip if you can't always print
You're meant to print the PDFs out double-sided. They're formatted specifically to ensure that if you print the whole test out double-sided, both the LG and RC sections will be on facing pages exactly as they'll appear in the test booklet.
... was he not able to print them?
I have had ... to be reformatted/shrunk to print properly) but aside from that ... try re-downloading all the PDFs and saving them again onto ...
The New York Times has a feature called "Room for Debate," which has about 4-5 essays written about a specific topic. This provides good practice for the comparative reading passage.
... will be switched to a new file type that can expire ... class prep-courses still use PDFs, at least the courses my ... before, it's not the PDFs, it is the videos that ...
... 21st we will remove all PDFs containing LSAC licensed content ... LSAC's new policy.
To be clear, all PDFs containing ... Sets - will be removed. Any PDFs without LSAT questions will still ... />
Please download all PDFs in your course that you ...
Hello, I am having difficulty with the PDFs and I am not able to save them. I attempted to save it to my comp and was unsuccessful, I just purchased a new usb to save them to and still no success. Please Help!
They're no longer available online to print. It's not 7Sage's fault, it's LSAC and their new requirements. Compared to other companies, I'm assuming 7Sage's licenses were just up for renewal first.