Do you plan to have an autopay option in the future so we don't have to keep entering payment information? If not, I understand, but if so that would be very helpful.
... able to extend my old plan Ultimate plus monthly in the ... upgrading to the new ultimate plan requiring an additional $100 on ... of the $69 per month payment. I understand changes have been ... upgrade to the new ultimate plan. If so, do I need ...
I’ve been trying to make a payment to my installment plan and when I enter my password, it says I have an account to log in. When I log in, I don’t know where to go to make a payment.
Due to time limitations I am taking every 1-2 LSATs as full length timed, and doing the in-betweens as timed sections. Devoting time to BR is also demanding so I make sure I have enough time to attend to both BR and ...
I am hoping there's at least one person out there looking for a study buddy. I plan on taking the Feb, 2014 LSAT and could team up with someone who is looking to go hard and kill this exam. comtact me at