I've been really struggling with LR timing. I watched the webinar here (https://7sage.com/webinar/timing-and-levels-of-certainty/), in which they suggested not spending more than 3 minutes or so on a question because there's a better chance you'll just get ...
So this week for me is super busy, I really don't have time to do a full length practice test as I have been doing these past 6 weeks. Would it be a good idea to just do timed sections throughout the week (using a practice test) ...
I want to get feedback and see if there is an interest out their in studying LR but with a focus on strategies that increase your understanding beyond just that PT and question.
I am interested in Powerscore and 7Sage, but do not know which one to choose. What is the average score increase from those taking their first PrepTest with 7Sage and their last? Thank you!
I've decided to go back over some of the very beginning core stuff to make sure I have a solid understanding before moving on in the curriculum. I have the LSAT Trainer ...
I apologize if this question has been asked before but I was unable to find any previous discussions. Would anyone be able to point me to a source where I can find information about which schools average your LSAT scores and which ones only take your ...
... April, but i had the POWERSCORE BIBLES already so from the ... all the 3 books of POWERSCORE LR: 70% done LG: 50 ... to power through and complete Powerscore and 7sage for the 2nd ... them grouped in booklets from POWERSCORE per section {LR,LG, RC ...
What are the pros and cons of both? Which is the better choice as a career stepping stone? The reason I ask is because I'm trying to decide between two law schools and the only real difference between them is that one places considerably more graduates in ...
Hey, I see that GPA is calculated out of 4.33 but on the "top law schools graph" (https://7sage.com/top-law-school-admissions/) it seems like the scale is out of 4.00. Also - when schools report their admission stats are they out of 4.33 or 4.00 (e.g. ...