I scored about what I was scoring anyway, but yeah I also found myself pressed for time when I used lawhub for the first time. You'll get used to it, so don't read into it too much!
... a sentence catching her up on what I've been up ... for my email (applying to law school and would love a ... 're going to apply to law school. I certainly remember you ... speak knowledgeably) you've settled onlaw school and what you hope ...
... plus I have 2 tests on file already (June 2018 and ... I heard from someone knowledgable onlaw school admissions said that if ... your score back or depending on the schools you apply to ... since you already have score on file and then ask them ...
... to wait, then wait onlaw school! Taking a gap ... related to whatever field of law you are interested in, ... lot of perspective on what kinds of law you want to ... an attorney at all. Law school isn't a ... the drivel of actually practicing law. A little time, clarity, ...
... former admissions officers answer questions on this forum, so definitely ... . From my understanding, though, law schools take undergrad rigor into ... seem like a broken record onlaw school forums to keep hearing ... of people that applied to law schools in the past ...
... a good tutor can focus on your specific strengths and ... spending a ton of money onlaw school after all. Why ... you get into the best law school possible.
... A lot of people on here love to aggrandize their ... able to pick up on what types of mistakes ...
I also saw this - not sure where these questions are from, but I couldn't find the questions anywhere online, so they seem new. Maybe it has something to do with Khan Academy moving their materials to lawhub?
... a look at sample resume onlaw school websites might give you ... general overlay / where things fit on your resume. This one from ... assistant right under experience: https://law.yale.edu/student-life/career ...
I plan on going into public interest law and so the personal statement discusses my drive for social justice. I've written it and had a couple of people look at it, but now need to fine tune it.
... I have already pressed submit on 15 law school apps and after ... the current address was wrong on one of them. After going ... noticed I made the mistake on 4 apps. I am absolutely ... />
Should I just email the law school and let them know ...