I see why B is the best answer, but not 100 pct why it's right. Raphaela doesn't address this point specifically other than her umbrella statement that no government should ...
Three and half months into studying and still really struggling with timing on LR. I seemed to only be able to get through 17 or 18 questions in a section. Any advice?
I chose E which is a right answer because C didn't mention about drug which was a sentence right before the blank, so it makes more sense to me.
But I thought C could be an ...
I've figured out why C) and E) are wrong, but I'm not sure how the other incorrect answers weaken the argument.
Hey 7Sagers! One of our users is having a bit of trouble with this game and I thought you could help me out! Here's the game:
For this game, the instructor said "J" and "O" can't be stacked together because the rule is: "J" comes earlier than "O." If "J" is stacked with "O," with "J" in the a.m. and "O" in the p ...
I am having problems understanding why that AP is the conclusion. Structurally, I understand that it is the conclusion (because of the conclusion indicator 'but'). However, the ...
any advice for getting out of the mid 150's? My last 4 PT's have been 155-156, with a highest of 157. My LR average is 15-19, LG average 17-20, RC average 15-17. Was there anything you guys did differently that pushed you into 160's?