Help! I can't wrap my head around this one AT ALL. I'm not even sure what the conclusion is.
My videos keep freezing at random spots and don't restart after waiting sometimes up to 20+ minutes....tried three browsers and same issue, though sometimes just refreshing will cause the video to reload.
I just don’t see where the author endorses anything. The author, to me, doesn't seem to reveal anything about where he/she comes down on this debate. I just can’t find one word that would do this. It seems instead, that the author is going out of his/her ...
I revisited one of my old PTs and got stuck at this question because I am not really understanding what the stimulus is saying. It's about politics and yes, I have ZERO interest in politics so it is extra hard for me to see what ...
So, what's the deal w/ effective laws? How would you approach this one, in terms of a thinking through it strategy? I chose B originally, though I understood that this was not ...