I took a PT last Saturday and based from the questionstem analysis of the test grader (extremely helpful guys), flaw questions gave me the most trouble. What is the best way to approach them?
... lsat_explanations/lsat-56-section-3-question-20/
The argument ... (D) without hesitation. The questionstem asks "which one of the ... heart disease. Furthermore, the questionstem asks for "most weaken" ... to (B) given the questionstem?
... . doing the non-circled timed question) a second round un-timed, and ... not suggest we take a second shot at the non-circled ... we should be doing a second un-timed stab at our ...
... Also, I found one question that mentioned a specific line ... it to reading the questionstem before doing a logical ... reasoning stimulus without knowing the questionstem. A feeling of foreboding ... need to contemplate the questionstem and its effect on ...
... JY does exactly that during question 19. Here is a link ... rule 5 becomes irrelevant during question 19? I usually understand satisfying ... condition is satisfied through the questionstem (as that is what happens ...
I came across a question where I don't understand the questionstem or how to take on the question type ( Prep Test 36 Q24 Sec 1). Is there a systematic approach on how to take on these "evaluation" questions?
... 7Sage and had a quick question that I thought I would ... if you hand me a question I can point out the ... actually go into the question, having read the questionstem, and just first ...
... /lsat_explanations/lsat-28-section-3-question-12/
I really do ... answer is C, and the questionstem also seems to be very ... a normal must be false question, thought there is only one ... . I chose A. Because the stem said that V is effective ...
... I guess I understand the questionstem well but I feel as ... these questions I read the stem first, identify conclusion and support ... sub-consciously. Is a strengthening question simply a matter of making ...
It seems as answer A is actually agreeing with Lee's argument. Am I incorrect by thinking that the questionstem is asking for us to refute Lee's argument?
... /lsat_explanations/lsat-25-section-2-question-19/
This is the ... was a really weird questionstem that I had to reread ... to the question. Since I did not really understand the stem, it ... time trying to redo this question. This is supported. When the ...
... to learn. Which begs the question – if you’re not going ... book, looking at an LSAT question, visiting 7Sage, or anything else ... combination of fundamental tasks like questionstem drills or conditional translation exercises ...
... ), -9(pt58). In light of question types, totally, I missed 5 ... either misread the questionstem (like misread weakening question as strengthen question) or overlook ... abstract language, and the analogy question. And some times I have ...
So for questions where they ask you to refer to a given statement in the questionstem, are we looking for a subtle answer that's not too specific in general?