1. I'm a beginner and plan ... is which part of LSAT shouldI start? I've purchased the three ... powerscore bible.
2. ShouldI join lsat prep classes now ...
... am almost through the CC. I've been seeing lots of ... -1 for each set), but I haven't foolproofed them yet ... />
How would you recommend that I best go about foolproofing to ... left before the exam? ShouldI foolproof the games in the ...
... on my past two PTs I met, then exceeded, my ... target score. For context, I got a 173 on the ... any change of timing. I have been planning to take ... between now and November. ShouldI consider trying to sign up ... ? Also for context, once I am done with the LSAT ...
Curious your guys' opinions. I've just been going straight ... minimum once every other week. ShouldI be doing past core curriculum ... and LR as well? Or shouldI be doing fresh problem sets ...
... LSAT is 4ish weeks away...I found 7Sage in August and ... (in the Starter addition) since. I work full time, with 12 ... low 160's. Do I have enough time to study ... mid to high 160's? ShouldI withdraw and try for the ... November or December LSAT? I'm trying to get in ...
... disastrous happened although I was slightly nervous. Usually I score between ... 167-170. I want to apply ... median I'll should retake LSAT in January. In that case, shouldI still ... score is released or do I risk being rejected out ...
... before, but what shouldI expect on test day? I’ve taken the ... before as the paper format. I would expect same registration process ... test as it is digital, I’m sure we’ll have ...
... for the writing sample. I need to complete mine within ... prompt? The only prompt I can find is from June ... 2007, and I've read enough examples from ... that one that I think it would help ... from other administrations? Or shouldI not worry and just sit ...
I took the October LSAT and ... scored a 160. I was quite disappointed with ... PTs I was getting 165-170. I think I just ... slightly below the median. ShouldI wait to apply to ... I have a higher score or shouldI apply earlier with the score I ...
I got a 158 on the November LSAT, I have one more chance to write in January for 2020 admissions, shouldI write again??
(Applied to Ryerson, osgoode, queens, western, Ottawa and Windsor)
cGPA: 3.25, last two years: 3.8, two LSATS: 151, 158
... . Before the January test, I had consistent PT scores in ... my last official score. I had a situation during the ... test where I had to get up ... taking a fourth time? I’ve heard that looks pretty ... lot of schools, so shouldI just stick with my 162 ...
So I studied on and off for ... focus on my university studies. I will graduate in May so ... start studying then. But I wanna go on a vacation ... the end of June. So i plan to study for 2 ... October and take the test. ShouldI do this?
I was originally in the April ... still eligible for the flex. I will be retaking the lsat ... of the test. ShouldI request the flex as i can control test ... and it is a sprint? I see the downsides as a ...
I applied to all my schools by March 1st/4th but haven’t received a decision from several schools (they just say they’re completed/in review). ShouldI contact their admissions office or does it look bad to ask them to look at my application?
... finish the core curriculum (I'm currently on the ... I were to start taking practice tests now, how often shouldI ... do them? I received a 146 ... any particular rush since I don't plan to ... until Fall 2021 and I have this entire summer ...
... confused on when Ishould be doing the full ... that should wait until I start to PT, or shouldI full ... proof the problem sets from the CC as well? I ... games, and as expected I struggled on the first ... sequencing games. I am still having some ...
... higher on test day. I know I messed up the LG on ... for me.
I want to retake, the only ... tells me I want to retake it because I think I can do ... better. I've also heard ... />
What do you all think? ShouldI retake it?
I called LSAC and cancelled my July LSAT and rescheduled it to Aug. But then I realized I still hold the spot/schedule on ProctorU. ShouldI also cancel that? Or it will expire automatically?
I already registered for October. But since this won’t count to the yearly limit and we can cancel our score, shouldI just try it? It can help me with experiencing the Flex first hand and i might even get a decent score. What do you guys think?
If I am going to use this final fall semester of mine to boost my GPA, when shouldI submit my law school application (transcripts, LSAT score, letters of rec)? I am not aiming for a really good law school, an average one is fine for me.
... a 167. I was pretty nervous, so I think I had a ... harder time than I would on ... a170 for my reaches. I plan on applying in early ... Is it worth the time I would spend studying for a ... a month to study) or shouldI focus on other parts of ...
Hey all, I'm new to 7sage and I noticed theres a whole bunch to do before we even touch on real practice tests. ShouldI really be waiting that long or shouldI sprinkle some in here and there before then?? Let me know what worked for you guys!
... PT and got a 171. I'd like to get mid ... in a perfect world, and I'm signed up for the ... apply this cycle. In September I will have a lot of ... as many PTs as possible. ShouldI take the LSAT twice, hope ... study intensely in September, or shouldI wait to take the test ...