Hi Im new to the forum and I was wondering am I suppose to complete the lessons daily( or complete as many as I feel comfortable doing in a day) and then begin taking the practice tests?
... current University Fordham. My second prep test is only 149 and ... to 153 even after 7 preptests and my blind review is ... might have to stop doing prep test and analyze where you ...
@jdawg113 I am trying to get a perfect score on the LG section. I have done LG preptests 60-74 with J.Y.'s videos? Do you have any input on whether this is sufficient?
... like on the most recent tests, you absolutely have to know ... questions on the most recent preptests (specifically LR section) has been ... common practice for most recent tests is to give 2 easy ...
@emli1000 I do need to!!!! I'm currently working through the course again. But I went a little fast, so I have a two week period where no lessons or preptests are assigned. I'm going to drill, drill, drill! Then see where I'm at prep test wise :)
... 154-155 in my practice tests and thought I would get ... how much material my traditional prep course did not teach me ... than 4 months of a prep course. You def in the ... drill! drill! Drill! take more preptests!
I would say, if you're doing your preps under the strict testing conditions, then a average range of 4-5 of your latest preptests would probably be indicative of your score :). I don't think length or amount of studying done is a good indicator at all.
What do you guys have in mind? I'm not sure how much group studying would help, but I think taking timed practice tests with more than just myself could be useful.
... in December 2013 with little prep. Started prepping pretty seriously November ... 163. A little disappointed - my preptests were 160-170, and I ...
... . I also realized that taking more tests really reduced the amount of ... hope drilling and just taking more practice tests or timed sections helps ...