For those that have taken the flex: When exactly are you permitted to start writing on your scratch paper? I have certain mnemonics that I want to write out (hopefully) before the clock starts.
Hi, I have both an internal webcam and an external webcam, ... is permissible to use the internal webcam on a laptop. I ... to do so with the internal webcam.
During flex, are ... the proctor), or would a internal webcam be sufficient for all ...
... time suck, but it's training your brain like lifting weights ... and it's kinda like training wheels...the PTs are the ... time to take off the training wheels and see how you ... ways to give yourself these training wheels and slowly take them ...
... incorrect because the argument against internal relations in paragraph 4 stated ... author had an issue with internal relations? but if I am ... question but are organicism and internal relations two separate, but related ...