... on my past two PTs I met, then exceeded, my ... target score. For context, I got a 173 on the ... any change of timing. I have been planning to take ... between now and November. ShouldI consider trying to sign up ... ? Also for context, once I am done with the LSAT ...
I pursued a graduate program after ... Left afterwards. What language shouldIbe using on my résume ... complete the program? Right now I have "[Degree] candidate" ... by itself. Will it be self-explanatory due to ... negative impression in doing so.
... of logic games. ShouldIbe also answering the quesitons wheni fool proof games ... set-up, inferences etc? I seem to find that by ... just seem to be too easy because i have basically memorized ... them at that point. Your thoughts would be ...
... for the writing sample. I need to complete mine within ... prompt? The only prompt I can find is from June ... 2007, and I've read enough examples from ... that one that I think it would help ... from other administrations? Or shouldI not worry and just sit ...
... LR, LR, RC and I felt like I completely forgot how to ... feel very confident in anything I was doing. I applied to law school ... the January test.
I'm debating between A) cancelling ... and applying anyway. The school I really want averages LSAT scores ...
I got a 158 on the November LSAT, I have one more chance to write in January for 2020 admissions, shouldI write again??
(Applied to Ryerson, osgoode, queens, western, Ottawa and Windsor)
cGPA: 3.25, last two years: 3.8, two LSATS: 151, 158
... know if you experienced this, I have been studying steadily for ... schedule not new basically) I'm doing ok but definitly need more ... practice, I see improvement which is ... off in a week so I thought I would save my days ...
... . Before the January test, I had consistent PT scores in ... my last official score. I had a situation during the ... test where I had to get up ... taking a fourth time? I’ve heard that looks pretty ... lot of schools, so shouldI just stick with my 162 ...
So I studied on and off for ... focus on my university studies. I will graduate in May so ... start studying then. But I wanna go on a vacation ... the end of June. So i plan to study for 2 ... October and take the test. ShouldI do this?
ShouldIbe foolproofing the games that are part of the core curriculum or shouldI only start foolproofing games whenI finish the cc and start drilling and taking practice tests?
... target score is a 160, shouldIbe comfortably at 163 before considering ... drop is absolutely terrifying. If I were to drop that much ... (assuming I’m actually capable of scoring ... always struggled with. So, right whenI think LSAT prep is already ...
... what sort of LG drilling Ishould do at this point to ... about the April take, shouldI start doing more recent practice tests? My ... before the April test but shouldI do something like 78-84 ... any recommendations on how exactly Ishould prep for this final month ...
... but am feeling overwhelmed because I'm not sure how to ... />
Where do I begin? In what order shouldIbe working through all ... course
3 Manhattan Guides I have been working through Manhattan ... because LR is the section I struggle with the most. < ...
... the same test (one for when you first take it that ... it last? Or shouldIbe returning to the games I “mastered” way the ... f later and try them again when ... the learned inferences are less fresh? Maybe I answered ...
... core curriculum April 5th. I am scheduled to finish ... June, at which point I will have just the ... practice tests to do. I am taking the August ... 29 test. I took a practice test ... 167) WhenshouldI take my next practice test? How often shouldIbe taking ...
... plateau in my progress, especially when it comes to Logic Games ... for the greatest possible score I can achieve really resonated ... done a Kaplan course already, shouldIbe going through all the resources ... in the CC? Or shouldI get to the preptests using ...
I called LSAC and cancelled my July LSAT and rescheduled it to Aug. But then I realized I still hold the spot/schedule on ProctorU. ShouldI also cancel that? Or it will expire automatically?
... test at 1150 on Sunday. ShouldIbe worried, or is it normally ... posted the day before? I read the LSAT Flex tips ... ticket: did this change and I'm not supposed to get ... for sure so that if I need to start calling ... LSAC I can do it first ...
Help!! I would like to withdraw ... is terribly irresponsible and Ishould not bedoing so this late but ... I wanted to ask if ... "eligible to withdraw" and I sent them an email but ... Friday night.
I already registered for October. But since this won’t count to the yearly limit and we can cancel our score, shouldI just try it? It can help me with experiencing the Flex first hand and i might even get a decent score. What do you guys think?
I am wondering how much others have improved in a month? I am set for the August Flex but am not where I want to be yet although I have been studying since March. ShouldI start doing bootcamp style? Please lmk!
... all, just a first try). I've been going through the ... myself acquainted but I often feel like I'm not doing enough. At ... what point did you start doing ... the CC for now or shouldIbe starting as well?
... a 167. I was pretty nervous, so I think I had a ... harder time than I would on ... a170 for my reaches. I plan on applying in early ... Is it worth the time I would spend studying for a ... a month to study) or shouldI focus on other parts of ...
... score was a 153. I plan to take the LSAT ... me roughly 6 months. I plan to study 1-2 ... by far was RC. I haven't delved into the ... on it because im doing logic games. ShouldIbe working on that ... right now since I started studying ...