So I am scheduled to finish the CC this Friday. Haven't taken a full PT since the diagnostic but, should this be enough time with PTs etc to be prepared for the Nov exam/?
I am taking the train into Boston to take the LSAT. Its about an hour way from me. What am I supposed to do with my cell, keys, wallet, etc?? Are there lockers?? I cannot navigate Boston without a cellphone. HELP
Any helpful tips for LR? I miss questions and then when I look at it a second time I know the right answer without looking at what I chose etc and get them all right. Not sure if pressure is playing a part in this or what the hell is going on.
Hi, I know that older exams (pre J07) differ in structure etc. How does one incorporate them into your studying? Should you treat them like real PTs but take the score with a grain of salt? Or....
Understanding we all have different time constraints, etc. - How long did it take you to perfect Logic Games (-1, - 0)? Any additional tips going through Logic Games?