... testing tomorrow for the secondtime. I got a 164 in April. (I ... 've seen a 167 twice). If I need ... to, I will retest for a third time in October. I need ...
... test in June for the secondtime and scored 153. When I ... score higher than this on a timed test. I'm not ... looking to go to a t14. I'm based in ... pretty decent imo. I have a couple of internships and have ... been working as a legal assistant for the past ...
... best. I finished college with a 3.3 GPA in Political ... . I am hoping to achieve a 160 on the LSAT with ... . Does anyone else have a similar GPA with a success story? I ... exists, but I have a hard time believing how accurate it is ...
Hi, I am having a lot of problem with this ... selected (D) (after debating for a long time between (B) and (D ... I realize should have been a red flag) and the reason ... passage, I felt that the second half solely focused on how ...
... however I ran out of time on every section and ... scored poorly despite having a good grasp on how ... October LSAT and if needed, asecond one in January. I am ... plan to dedicate all my time to the LSAT. I ... everyday (around 49+ hours a week to the LSAT) however ...
... best strategy. I have a long time before the actual exam ... , and tutors are a pricey ... to tutor multiple times a week indefinitely. So, ... and tutor multiple times a week? Or begin now ... tutoring hours at like once a week?
... PT i got a 154 (best of all time). I'm really ... 've also been seeing a tutor once a week for 2 hours ... my RC but am having a hard time improving. Does anyone have ... improve on RC in a short amount of time?
... about 8 minutes on the second. i am hoping the first ... either case I had enough time to go back and double ... what I felt was a better answer on asecond go around. I ...
... do it enough it become second nature. 2) Try to ... almost guarantee if you make asecond or third deduction from ... If your struggling with time then brute forcing your way ... 5) Keep track of time you need to finish the ... you don't store up atime bank for them your ...
... category anymore; it's always a hybrid sequence/group or something ... "random" games. Has anyone seen a basic linear/sequenceing game since ... will upon doing it the secondtime (or after watching JY's ... , but, I have had a hard time believing most people were able ...
Time-wise, bubbling at the very ... should take less than half asecond for each bubble :) It's ... />
Also, asecond reason why NOT to waste a lot of time bubbling: In ... your bubbles, You can pay a bit extra for them to ...
... you speed through the first time and then go back to ... have missed the secondtime around? I often read a sentence and have ... it's saying the first time through. I'm trying to ... the material fully the first time around because I feel like ... is where I'm wasting time.
... don't think it's a very good approach, but it ... a try. I think I would read it all again the secondtime ... . I was trying it as a reaffirmation type ...
Still freaking out a tad... This IS my secondtime. I refused to ... ready to give it a shot. Last time I prepped myself ... class or help. This time I used this course. ... We are in for a long morning but regardless of ... you deserve it! Have a beer or two and breathe ...
... most valuable skill, is time management. You really ... TO be second nature. On my first time taking the ... may seem like a difference of only asecond or two, ... time doing so, I was probably losing a minute - a minute and a ... or 2, with a bit of time to spare. But, ...
... so only takes asecond and should save you some time later on ... head. It's not really a strategy, it's just something ... is to lazily read through a few sentences and miss what ... RC sections, and -5 is a pretty damn good start!
... studying has limited returns over time. I don't believe ... related to how much time you have to learn ... test, and how much time you are willing to put ... curriculum that 7Sage emphasize logic a great deal. That's ... have to learn it like asecond language. I'd use ...
... completely irrelevant. There's a question in PT 71 ... where the correct answer to a 'must be true' question ... I hesitated for asecond because it was such a weird, bold, ... does that all the time. I imagine people with ... is not yours, but a parallel one where only ...
... that I make this sound a lot easier than it is ... to your fellow students (or a tutor) for suggestions.
< ... taught them very little from a technical LSAT perspective, but because ... into a better mental state they scored much better the secondtime around ...
... if we can work out a schedule I would be willing ... . I did ok the first time but still aiming higher. However ... help me out for the secondtime around. So this is all ...
... ... even though it takes a long time... the games are the ... don't worry about the time... it gets better as ... and things start becoming like second nature to you. Its ... sequencing and sequencing with a twist to the last ... first 170+ score on a PT even though it was ...
... 's okay to take asecond stab at a diagram if your first ... LG4 is the latest in a line of easy games from ... if you don't invest time up front in these guys ...
... test. I have not studied asecond for this section yet, ... passage in order to attain a higher score. For me, ... easier, I had more time to complete the final passage ... (sort of a compounding effect). It's a pain in the ... to view the section as a challenge, one that I ...