As stated do I need to physically print out the exams for each PT I do blindreview or is there a way to digitally “circle” choices I’m uncertain of when taking a PT online?
Does anyone have advice on how to narrow the range between the score of a timed PrepTest vs the score after blindreview? I'm consistently getting a range of about 10 points between both and it is discouraging.
... -14 points lower than my BlindReview score (~164-165 on the ... and 176-178 on the BlindReview). I understand that there is ... difference between their Timed and BlindReview scores? Anecdotes, tips, and guidance ...
... practice test and doing a blindreview but should we still do ... to the questions to honestly blindreview them after but don't ... being efficient with studying and blind reviewing in a way that ...
... did two years of undergrad at one Canadian university, and then ... schools are different whether they lookat your best two years or ... cumulative GPA, but do they lookat your transcripts from the school ...
... averaging around 170-173 on blindreview pts, and about 92 ... ). however, my scores before blindreview tend to hover around 165 ... thoroughly read the passage during blindreview.
... without completing the actual blindreview, so the blindreview results were obviously the ... it recommended to complete the blindreview immediately after taking the practice ... best way to complete the blindreview after taking a 3 hour ...
Hello, I have been doing BlindReview and WAJing according to the lessons in the syllabus for LR and I found them extremely helpful. I was wondering if there is anything different I should do in terms of blind reviewing and WAJing for RC?
What is the purpose of BlindReview on drills and PT's? It says strongly recommends.
We won't have that option when taking the exam, so to me it just feels like it makes me second guess myself.
I was wondering if I should blindreview my first test? I'm not really familiar with anything in the LSAT yet nor do I fully know what blind reviewing is so I'm just wondering on if I should do it for my diagnostic!
... enter the same answer under blindreview under "LSAT Analytic"? Eg: ... reason to do blindreview BEFORE you check your answers? My question ... if you do blindreview before check the answers for the questions ... . Hmm. Not really getting at the heart of the matter ...
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After every test I thoroughly review every question I missed, typing ... BR all questions before I lookat the answers but after I see ... of dollars in scholarships. At this point I am doing ... to quit second guessing my answers and overthinking things.
... take a PT and thoroughly BlindReview it. Lookat analytics to figure out ... . Try to get your Blindreview score at or above your target score ... average of PT's is at or above your target score ... your PT score to your Blindreview score.
- This is ...