... ? Fluctuations are a natural part of studying, but if you aren ... strictly on one question type for a while. Maybe you need ... 't give you an exact planofattack, but look in to changing ...
Typical planofattackfor point of issue questions, is to find ... of the answers into such a statement was needed for ... the phrasing of the answer choices wasn't typical for this ... agree, a necessary assumption for both since they both only ...
... are your weaknesses? just studying for the LR section as a ... mentioned, having a skipping planofattack, question type planofattack, going into your PT ... PT score versus BR scores for the LR sections?
... rather the argument structure. For example, I realized conditional ... these drills consistently for a couple of weeks, you'll ... you want to have a planofattack. The first two tests ... Additionally, curiosity is necessary for sustained concentration which is in ...
Does anyone have a "cheatsheet" for how to approach different question types? ex. main point is to find conclusion then look for answer. same idea but for all the different question types
... ! To deal with the abundance of feelings about the LSAT, I ... is better than letting all of your frustrations out with someone ... helps me workout my next planofattack :)
... bad? is there a type of game that you most struggle ... />
i think that an effective plan-of-attack comes after an accurate diagnosis ... of your problems.
Broadly, you know what you dont know... which is good. Much better than confidently answering wrong. Now use your review to identify exactly what the issues are and form a planofattack to address them.
... 's as well.
My planofattack is to make sure I ... some mutual benefit and ways of improving. Let me know if ... . If not, I hope some of my thoughts are helpful to ...
... right way. For the remainder of February and first half of March, I ...
Logic Games:
- Plan is to continue to full ... problem. I am going to attack the former issue by adopting ... journal (previously used an Excel sheet but I think this approach ...
... blind review as of yet for optimal knowledge of where I stand ... blind luck":)
My plan is 2 per week with ... sequentially is the best plan given the shifts in ... but different - thx again for all of the input). But, I ... the process easier. My plan is to join as ...
... minute addition, when planning planfor a minimum of six months. You cannot ... each week to plan your study hours for the entire week ... spend more time on that initial inference step. Otherwise I ... when I skipped the initial setup of game boards or alternatives ...
... all of the 70+ tests, most of 50-69, getting ready for December ... recognize a fair amount of the questions. For example, I just did ... these questions before in preparation for December. LR is my strong ... get quicker in your deductions for LG and more proficient ...
... way to get Statistics for difficulty comparison of RC or LR sections ... %age of Analytics users who filled out the answer sheet and picked ... a specific answer for a Question ...
I run out of time when during PT 51 before filling the answer sheetfor last five questions (took me around 15 seconds) should I exclude all of the five questions from my score? Or deduct a point from my total score?
... on my course of action for preparing for the September LSAT ... for a little bit under a month, and as of ... 've finished 6 sections of LR without studying as ... to be a plateau for a very long time, ... would be tremendously grateful for generic/anecdotal and specific ...
... because we already have a plan, so that we are better ... by providing a scaffold for the torrent of information that constantly surrounds ... just because it was the initial one (e.g. postpone ... on areas of struggle in LSAT prep instead of searching for ways to ...