Exactly correct, that's the point of foolproofing style approaches, and why you can get better from seeing how games are done and then trying them over and over.
Just to clarify, BR is for every section... Fool-proofing is just an extra tactic for LG just like the memory method is an extra tactic for RC...so you should definitely do BR for RC or else you're not getting a true measure of your skills...
Yes, that is what I am working on, foolproofing my LG. however, would you recommend doing it after completing a games section or game by game? I don't know if this makes a difference.
If you're talking about foolproofing 12 games in 6 hours ... I generally don't bother foolproofing since that demonstrates you have ... type, it just means not foolproofing stuff you have on lock ...
... have you been doing the Fool Proof for (not timewise, but ... give you ~120 games to Fool Proof. You don't have ... that game section to your Foolproofing pile and repeat the process ...
... , which I hadn’t started foolproofing yet, no immediately conspicuous weaknesses ... a few days in on foolproofing games but I can already ... I’m really excited the fool proof method seems to be ... . So while I’m still foolproofing, I think I’m going ...
... your target times, you’re foolproofing. It’s not a diagnostic ... one game to the next. Foolproofing is more about building that ... ’m in the middle of foolproofing my games as well) is ...
... right track. When I was foolproofing the bundle for a second ... issues. For me it took foolproofing the whole bundle twice to ... hard weird games. I am foolproofing it again cause I still ... see the skills developed by foolproofing the bundle getting reflected in ...
Foolproofing will further increase your speed ... . I’d also recommend supplementing foolproofing by developing a system to ... , after the first time I fool proof a game, repeat it ...