Do schools take into account what school you went to for undergraduate when looking at your GPA. i.e. a 3.1 at Harvard vs a 3.8 at UGA? Is the LSAC calculator universally applicable?
... have the best chances with Harvard. I think the earliest I ... to Columbia but rejected by Harvard, could I defer the Columbia ... offer and apply to Harvard the next cycle? This is ... why I seem obsessed with Harvard, but it's because I ...
So I scored a 169 LSAT, but due to a really low GPA from a long time ago(2.8). My more recent academic GPA was a 3.3. Would I be in the running for heavy scholarships at schools with average LSAT of 157?
I was accepted to Harvard this morning!!!!! I couldn't have accomplished this without the awesome community at 7Sage and without JY's fantastic guidance. Thank you :)