I’ve have taken Kaplan’s online course and Testmasters. I honestly need human interaction with someone who gets logicreasoning and the reading comprehension. I’m on OSU main campus and want to know if there is a study group?
Would it be wise to br just the logicreasoning section? Its the only section I have finished completely in the curriculum. My only hang up is that by doing that im not getting a feel for the entire test.
... 159 (-4 on first LogicReasoning, -14 on logic games, -7 on Reading ... Comprehension, and -5 on last LogicReasoning) -- not sure if that should ... converted to -9 on logicreasoning, -14 on logic games, -7 on reading ...
Does anyone have any recommendations for how to approach strengthen/ weaken questions - especially weaken questions? I’m actually horribleat them and they’re killing my LR score.
Is anyone who's doing well on the logicreasoning section able to offer some free tutoring. Im totally tanking this section consistently and I'm super frustrated. The videos are just not helping.
I am so confused - do I do the lessons in order.... its hours of just drill tests after the videos do I finish logicreasoning and then start logic games? or do I jump around?