Hey! So, I was wondering is there a length requirement or suggested length for personal statement letters? mine is almost two pages long, is that too long?
... by the time inconstancies between howlong it takes me to do ... a problem set and howlong it actually says it ... and print ~5 minutes, take the 7 minutes for timed ... about an hour, give or take, and after putting in ... four hours I will take a break. When I ...
... days and then take a month to Fool Proof as much ... The end of that fool-proofing month will have me ... I would like to take the test by Sept/ ...
1) Should I fool-proof all bundle games before ... things until I get some fool-proofing under my belt?
... the questions timed (jotting down howlong it took me for each ... , I was wondering what everyone does after going over the answers ... for documentation so I know how reference it as well as ...
... especially difficult. I was wondering how you'd suggest most effectively ... certain questions that, no matter howlong I drill the fundamentals, I ... it often does.
... options. This might be excessively long, so I apologize in advance ... exam too, but it some how turned out significantly better than ... be worse/ the same, how negatively does that impact my application to ...
... had a quick question regarding how you guys keep track of ... am in the process of foolproofing PT's 1-35 and ... from whatever PT I was foolproofing that day in order to ... />
My question to you is: how do you keep track of ...
... bit confused on the LG foolproofing method. Not the actual method ... 7sage. What I did was take all the games from the ... to master, and I'm foolproofing those. But those games don ...
... sense of howlong I can expect it to take to complete ... trying to figure out how realistic it will be ...
I was planning to take the September LSAT but I ... to complete before I take the test, but in ... effect that will take away time from actually prepping ...
For strengthening questions, how much does it need to strengthen the stimulus for it to be correct. For example, weakening questions, as long as it casts doubt on the support, I can weaken the argument. Does this also apply for strengthening questions?
... because I don't know howlong to make the essay. I ... doing a shorter essay? or does the lack of word limit ... want it to be super long? Based on all the factors ...
I am in the CC in LG, and I am having trouble with this section. Should I fool proof everything that I have trouble with and not continue with the CC until I fool proof everything? I feel lost as to what to do. LR and RC are my strong sections.