I want to buy books to prep myself for the LSAT, however there are so many choices to choose from! It makes it almost impossible to make up my mind. Please help!
I often have different diagrams from JY's.
How do I know mine is actually fine? I know his ones are more efficient and trying to have similar ones, but often times I have different game boards.
... , I actually fell a point from my October score. I was ... between a 170 a year from now or decent Tier 2 ... the website with the guy from the LG videos, and it ... additional bonus, I also benefitted from being able to apply with ...
... and wanted to receive feedback from other sages if they had ... of foolproofing the LG Bundle from PT1-35 and right now ... and keep looking at it from time to time. The next ... , weaken, strengthen 10 questions each from the Cambridge packet.
... , working on all logic games from PTs 1-39. In the ... that the lessons you learned from the more common types helped ... of conditional logic are all increasing at a normal rate, but ...