TLS projects that we'll be receiving our scores in 10 days or less. That being said, has anybody had dreams about getting their LSAT scores back? I either wake up really happy or really sad hahahahahahha
Just curious , while studying do you guys listen to music? (of course not during timed exams)
They seem to make me less stressed during games or do you recommended no music while studying at all ? (sorry if this question sounds totally silly).
Here it is future lawyers - how life a 1L will be - @emli1000 you REALLY might want to take a look at this...
Anyone find the LSAT Trainer's notation of Logic Games (especially the characteristics and categories chapter) a little redundant? I'm wondering if I should just skip these chapters...any thoughts?
For anyone preparing to take the June exam, or has taken an LSAT exam in the past: what are you doing (or have you done in the past) to prepare at this point, beyond your normal studying? Personally, some things I've focused on are:
1. Being alert ...