I would highly suggest taking a diagnostictest sooner rather than later. Even with all the aforementioned resources, that does not mean you will necessarily get up to a 170, and this is all dependant on what you're consistently scoring at.
... diagnostic in any real sense, you're just using the real test ... as your diagnostic and praying it goes ... The only thing avoiding a diagnostic does is avoid the anxiety ... see'. You can take a diagnostictest for that.
... isn’t really a set “diagnostic” test. Most people take the June ... PT as sort of a diagnostic and it’s a good ... definitely use other PTs as “diagnostic” tests.
... from the November test and not taking the test until you feel ... "practice" LSAT aka the June test and now regret it because ... 's not worth wasting a test like that. Just get through ... you have already taken a diagnostictest and scored exactly where you ...
My diagnostictest was in the 140s and I just received my August score in the 160s which gets me above 75th percentile for my chosen schools. I cannot thank 7Sage enough! Very grateful for this program.