For me, doing LR questions 1-10 always feel ... harder than doing the later LR questions, even though I know ... having trouble getting into the "LR mindset" right away and thinking ... how to get into the LR mindset quickly?
... RC, and 6-8 LR!!! The LR section is really dragging me ... thinking about re-reading The Loophole. I've already done 7sage ... 's book and the PowerScore LR Bible. Does anyone have any ... suggestions for improving on the LR?
... . I have a question regarding LR study methods. I have done ... make good use of the LR wrong answers during the review ... . I am currently at ~-6/LR section and hope to improve ... you to comment on efficient LR study methods. Thank you!!
... sometimes to be in the LR mindset. Sometimes I can focus ... -4 last time on my lr to -10 yesterday on a ... get consistent and in the lr mindset when doing pts?
So I been getting like low 160s the past few tests and everything is good but when I get up to a more difficult conditional LR question, I completely struggle. How do I get better at these? I tried drilling but that didn't really help that much.
I have a high accuracy rate on the LR, getting -1 or -2 but I can only get to question 18-20 and have to guess on the remaining questions. Does anyone have any tips on how to improve on this?
Knowing things like how to map no/nobody and unless and stuff like that. Is it enough for tough coniditonal lr quesitons? If not then how do you do them better?
... Reasoning so I got the loophole and powerscore book to read ... and then finish the 7sage LR. Do you guys think it ... to be missing information from LR that I need in LG ...
Really struggling on the LR sections -- I am doing the blind reviews but my LR results are so inconsistent. I do not know what else to do to improve on LR. If anyone has some advice, please share!!
Hello! Can someone share how the LR section is scored on the Flex (August)? Ie. is it an average of the two LR sections or do they randomly pick one of the two to score with? Thanks!