... been having trouble closing the gap between timed score and BR ... score. The gap is dramatic like from 150s ... on trying to close this gap and working on my confidence ... being able to close this gap, any advice would really be ...
Having serious problems with figuring out this question. E is the right answer, but I chose B. My thinking for B is that it may have been a coincidence that all three times Monroe had eaten at Tip-Top, was already ill beforehand but ...
I'm writing in September and was struggling to get PT scores that I was happy with. I was consistently getting in the mid 160's on my PT's but my BR would always be above 170. I was missing most of my points from LR and RC. I skipped PT 50-59 so I could ...
... real tough time bridging this gap btw my BR score and ... I couldn't find the gap/didn't know how to ... minutes, I finally saw the gap and successfully map out the ...
So I took PT 52 this past weekend and I knew during the time that I was taking it that things were not good I felt anxious, felt myself getting caught up on questions and instead of reading the stimulus first like I have always done I decided to try and ...