... noise is essential for your preptest - the "library noise" youtube clip ... be noise during your actual test (coughing, pencils dropping... the lonely ... silence ain't gonna prep you for life during the real test.
... am taking a timed practice test every day and BR it in ... the same day before moving to the next test/day. I think ... is BRing and taking timed test.
Im studying today and taking a preptest this evening.
I was going to take tomorrow off completely, but I think I just might take a little bit of time to go through past LR questions, but I won't be doing much else.
... current University Fordham. My second preptest is only 149 and I ... to 153 even after 7 prep tests and my blind review ... might have to stop doing preptest and analyze where you lost ...
... at a 165 on the preptest, so when I got a ... your LSAT prep out over a few more months and test in ... was that.... the longer you prep, the better (most of the ...
It happens! Take a little mini break and relax your mind. Come back at the next preptest with fresh eyes and kill it :) sometimes you just need a refresher to be human again for a second.
I tend to second guess myself a lot during preptest. But I do tend to think I am right all the time. Perhaps that's another issue I need to work on. Thank you for your advice!
sounds like me exactly.... retaking in October... working full time. I haven't started my first preptest (pre tests will start in March I believe for me). Good luck :)
Yup, I'm in! Started a week ago. Did my first LSAT preptest this morning... only scored 141, but ironically, I did well on the difficult questions and over-thought the simpler questions.
@emli1000 I do need to!!!! I'm currently working through the course again. But I went a little fast, so I have a two week period where no lessons or prep tests are assigned. I'm going to drill, drill, drill! Then see where I'm at preptest wise :)
Honestly, from taking the test in December, I actually did ... taking a 5 section practice test, especially in terms of endurance ... try doing a 5 section preptest a few times before your ...
... to sit through the full test under some sort of pressure ... that it needed... the 3rd test of the week was like ... this by using the super preptest sections as the 5th section ...
I'm in the same boat as you.
I would think you should get through the whole course first and then preptest. Might as well make sure your fundamentals are solid before you start tweaking your skills through blind review.