I came to realize that my trouble with this question is that I mistakenly assumed a PREMISE (more likely to determine policy by electing officer than through direction vote) was a ...
In the logic games section of the June 2007 LSAT, question 17 of the cruise line game is tripping me up. I know why AC D is right but I can't for the life of me figure out ...
Had trouble understanding what "on balance" meant here. I interpreted it as "in moderation" so, to me, the conclusion was alcohol consumption, in moderation, is beneficial. Could ...
Can anyone help me with this reading comprehension question? I can't see why (D) is incorrect. The way I interpreted this passage, the author was illustrating the similarity between the application of mathematics to science to the application of language ...
... first diagnostic I got 11/23 on the logic games.. So ... , or 20s out of 23. Once I got 23/23. But now, it ... 'll either get a 21/23 or I will completely bomb ...
Q.18 - The correct answer choice is A - RSRT. Rule # 3 says every R has atleast 1 T adjacent to it. In order for this to be correct, the S in this answer choice should be a T. Therefore, ...
I've been having trouble writing the logic out for this. I don't know why I can't make it come together. Can someone help me out?
I am confused about #5 on prep test 57 logic game #1. It is a substitution question type where it asks us to substitute M --> L (rule 3).
Conclusion: Hans purple was probably created by accident while someone was trying to make white glass.
Reasoning: Hans purple uses the same chemical ingredients and a ...
I am having problems understanding why that AP is the conclusion. Structurally, I understand that it is the conclusion (because of the conclusion indicator 'but'). However, the ...
This is a NA question... One of my least favorites! Could somebody tell me how they approached this question to get B?
I actually crossed out B because of it's ending ...
When first attempting this game, my instinct was to make a game board that included year one and year two. When I watched the video, I noticed JY made two templates without paying ...
I'm quite confused about Q.16.
I thought B and C could be right answers too, but I am still not sure why they're wrong. And I don't get why E is a better answer.
(B) The first and second paragraphs talked about outcomes analysis ( ...