... like when i try to read slowly (4 minutes upfront) I ... get them wrong. If i read too fast (less 3 minute ... Graeme Blake ( I actually re-read sentences and the whole passage ...
Has anyone heard of/use a reading strategy where you don't read the question stems in LR and simply figure out the question type via stimulus? If so, is it effective?
If you guys are looking to listen to or read the transcript of Obergefell v. Hodges, here's a link: http://www.advocate.com/politics/2015/04/28/listen-oral-arguments-obergefell-v-hodges
I am wildly inconsistent in reading comp. Some days I am -2 and others -10. I am thinking about reading the questions before I start reading the passage, similar to my approach with LR questions. Does anyone have personal feedback on this approach?
... think and the way you read. If, in all your practice ... to train your brain to read the passage exactly as you ... “set rhythm” for how you read LSAT RC passages. It gives ... every student, but if you read this whole thing I hope ...
... />
1. Agree
Step 1: Read the stimulus
Step 2 ... />
2. Disagree
Step 1: Read the stimulus
Step 2 ... more important in RC to read every single answer choice carefully ... / Argument Part
Step 1: Read the stimulus
Step 2 ...
I know its a ways off but started to study for the LSAT. I purchased the LSAT Trainer. Should I read the book first then do 7 Sage or vice verse. I am a teacher so have all summer too study.