It seems like it would be very helpful to see the questions that have been removed from scoring so that we can see if we can catch the flaw in the question. Is there any compilation of these questions for us to look at?
For those who once were scoring well below the 169+ mark, ... allowed you to finally start scoring in the 169+ range? scoring
well below 169+ to ... then scoring above 169+?
This question was removed from scoring. Weird! It's extremely rare to see a games question removed from scoring so I'm really curious what this question was.
... for 4 weeks not, consistently scoring in upper 160's, but ... I scored a 160, after scoring a 165 two nights before ... I find that i am scoring lower now? thoughts or suggestions ...
I'm not sure if it's just me, but it seems as though a part of the core curriculum was removed. Whereas before it was ~240 hours long, now it's 218 for me. If it helps, I have Ultimate+.
I am trying to assess my readiness for the July exam, and want to know the range I should be scoring in if I want to get a 170 on the actual LSAT. I've heard people say +3 points from the score you are aiming for, but others say at least +5.