... be able to purchase the ultimate package.. will something basic like ... or is it only the ultimate package that provides comprehensive training ...
So I see that the live commentary for S4 is up for June 17 test. I am wondering when the PrepTest will be available to take on 7sage. I have Ultimate+. Thanks!
After giving the ultimate + package a shot, I just don't think I can justify 750 bucks. I'm trying to canvel.my subscription, but having a hard time getting an answer from @"Dillon A. Wright" Everybody else feel free to ignore this post :)
Hi all, I am currently in the application process of Law School and was wondering if anyone had some sage words of advice on sending transcripts to LSAC as well as requesting LORs. #HELP
Great news!!! My LSAT relocation got approved, and I get to take the test tomorrow! Thank you everyone for your support and help. Sorry for the delay in response; I have only had power for three hours.
I've seen throughout these forums that there are some sages/mentors that offer tutoring services. Is there a specific page on the site for this or somewhere I can find info in regards to this?