I've been having a hard time trying to reach 160. I do blind review, but I think I probably do it wrong. I think I may need more drilling and probably focus on my basics while blind reviewing.
... problem is i'm just stuck at 143 raw score. Blind ... +/- gpa school. Goal score is 160. I am not the fastest ... a student jump from 143-160 in 5 months? Knowledge and ... the wrong answer when Im stuck on the 2 last answers ...
... January 2020 and was stuck in the 160's since at least ... hell because I was stuck in the mid-160's for sooooo ... long; to be exact, I was stuck ...
I've been practice testing in the 155-157 range for a couple of weeks now and my goal score is mid 160's for November. Any tips you guys can share would be greatly appreciated .