... August or October 2020 test and I'm trying to ... speed just to learn everything and blind review my questions). Quick ... finishing up the logicalreasoning lesson on the CC, and I am wondering ... if everyone works through every single problem set ...
... the world - for all intents and purposes there are an infinite ... alive, I have two hands and two feet, I can dribble ... number fifteen on the first logicalreasoning section; the answer choice is ...
... beginning of social distancing and the McDonald workers were ... study the logicalreasoning for 1 hour a night and build up ... about the lockdown and decided be cautious and keep the social ... up taking drawing and starting getting really good and practiced every ...
What does it mean when your doing a problem set and it has priority ( very low, low high and very high)? Is this the matter of how important it is on the LSAT?
... am liking the explanations and the problemsets they've thrown at me ... right:
1. Treat "always" and "only" appearing in answers on ... proportion of a specified whole and how. This can also help ... one to key in on and make sure you're careful ...
I tried refreshing the page and re-opening it from existing problemsets a couple times but it keeps on showing the loading icon. The other sets I took around the same time work just fine.
... a major issue when reviewing problemsets that make navigating the site ... info are completely absent and the priority and explanation video are located ... issue? I have reviewed older problemsets to see if this bug ...
... . Previously, i thought taking pts and doing extensive BR would lead ... i'm 4 pts in, and have only stayed in the ... you were around these scores? problemsetsand drills or full practices tests ...
1) Should I do all the problemsets under ... as I go through the problemsets? Is the main purpose of ... and strategy or to perfect the subject matter. Over all the problemsets ...
... : **THANK YOU 7sage, and THANK YOU Mike Kim!!** ... into the analytics system, and note which were 4 ... as I was studying, and one of the reasons ... B, C, C2, F97, and J07) where they actually occurred ... 35, 62
... to send the applications, and there's always the ... before the August test, and saw myself improve drastically from ... practice behind me. The problem is that I clearly didn ... Comprehension, fairly strong in LogicalReasoning, but consistently struggling with ...
... new to 7sage and just created and took my first problem set, made ... up of questions from PT 1 logicalreasoning qs ... " I only see logic games and reading comp sections. Thanks!
... problemsets focusing on those questions/redid portions of the CC (and ... this was where developing a timing strategy was essential for ... CantGetRight) about timing strategies/post CC exercises, and he recommended a ... the basis for my timing strategy - I started ...
... there are over 20 problemsets for flaw and I have done them ... hours after work, plus Saturday and Sunday). I approach this ... on without fully grasping the reasoning behind the answer. The ... or completed some of the problemsets, using mainly their intuition ...
I like the "show questions" options available on problemsets because when I go back and review, I like seeing if I was at least close to choosing the right answer or had eliminated it. Is this an option for PTs as well?
... just completed the MP and MSS lessons and was wondering...what do ... did some custom problemsets from the question bank, and was getting all ... I stay here on MP and MSS? What else can I ...
This was second best ... read the Economist, psychology and scientific articles, daily meditation ... stopped taking notes and highlighting and retained all the ... reading to answer questions and started reading just ...
... here to create my own problem set! I want to make ... a "wrong answer" problem set, but I can't ... where it says how to, and I still can't make ... anyone here made their own problem set?