... chart versus the regular grouping game set up.
... cell. However, in the second game in the lesson (patients, ... chart on the october 2012 game (subzones, retail, housing, industrial)? ...
... in/out spot, split the game board based on filling that ... it most probably solve the game or reveal a huge inference ... serious problem with In/Out game with sub-categories and freeze ... you can think of a game that this rule does not ... so I can redo the game.
Anyone else think that game was the easiest game, once you recognized that it was a weird pattern game? I've heard many people complain about it but I still don't understand why.
... trouble determining when to split game boards. For some games splitting ... the game boards is extremely advantageous and ... your master diagram into sub game boards?
J.Y ... that if you have more game boards then questions then not ...
When you draw sub-game board or mini game board for questions that add new rules, do you draw "X cannot be here" or "X must be here" rule each time? Or do you just refer to the original board for those rules?
I know LSAC has been changing it up lately. When was the last time they pulled this baby out? Do we see this happening soon ? I enjoy them more than a lot of other games but I am just curious as to when this rarely used game may be making a comeback
... every single prep test logic game section repeatedly and consistently score ... the computer virus game as well as game 4 from the experimental ...
... I used for this game. I thought this game fell into the ... pattern seen in the 4th game of many 70s.
A ... way to look at this game would be to think of ... it as a sequencing game.
Ex. If it ... this helps simplify the virus game. If you're still a ...
I often have different diagrams from JY's.
How do I know mine is actually fine? I know his ones are more efficient and trying to have similar ones, but often times I have different game boards.
during the timed test i got to the 4th game and froze. any similar games? i kept rereading the paragraph to understand the set up for it. what were your thoughts?
I recently ordered practice 79 but it doesn't look like its going to ship in time for me to receive it by the December 3rd LSAT DATE. Are there any games similar to the virus game that I can use to prepare for a game like that?
... you guys remember the last game on Dec 2016's PT ... ! I totally froze on that game because it was so out ... I could not divide the game in to sub-game boards). Thanks!