When I studied for other tests, people suggest to read questions first.
Why we should not do the same for this test?
What makes this test different from others?
(Do you read questions first for other tests ornot?)
... some conflicting information on whether ornot the personal statement needs ... that the personal statement does not have to touch on ... personal statement happens to explicitly or implicitly relate why you ... have worked (and how much or how little they addressed " ...
... my applications ask about whether ornot I will apply for fafsa ... to do, and I'm not sure if the same is ... you choosing to submit fafsa? or does saying no signify you ...
Would love advice from the wise 7sage community on this one. I was PTing high 160s to low 170s before the September test. Going crazy debating whether ornot to sign up for the December test. Thanks in advance!
I am currently wondering if Lsat hacks is worth the investment and whether ornot it's similar to 7sage explanations. Have you gained anything from LSAT hacks that you did not gain from other prep material?
... new criteria, etc.) that is not previously mentioned the premises, the ... looking at the structure, whether ornot it is a valid argument ... that the inference is likely, not necessary. Our conclusion is ... the answer choices for conclusions not matching this. I can ...
... but they are not sure 7Sage worth it ornot. I want ... to say do not hesitate, your ... and simple way and do not try to make concepts ... when J.Y explained not both rule in less ... Fortunately for me they did not have any in-person course ...
... , I think it's not true that if you devote ... ? (and the return is not sure until you get the ... encouraging, but also sometimes feel not sure about "when is the ... amp;extend...feeling it's not the right time and ... have a decent target score ornot, so that I don't ...
... to figure out whether ornot this is a good ... Does this contribute positively or negatively to your application?< ... bisexual, but I am not super "out" about it ... . It is not something that defines me as ... I am debating whether ornot I should bother marking ...
... circle questions that you are not sure about while PTing and ... in the right answer but not exactly sure why a wrong ... deliberate mid timed test whether ornot i have a valid enough ...
... my applications--like my score ornot. I wasn't sure ... did, I was crushed. Not only did I fall short ... making this decision, I did not have that information. I ... so the choice was not between a 170 a year ... correct decision. That's just not right though. Because I ...
Just wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation before. Last Saturday my test center was closed due to severe weather and I have yet to receive any information from LSAC as to whether ornot there will be a make up test.