LSAT 127 – Section 1 – Question 05

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Researchers have found that, hours after birth, infants are able to distinguish faces from other images. Infants stare at drawings of faces for longer periods of time than they do at blank ovals or drawings in which facial features are scrambled.

"Surprising" Phenomenon
Despite literally just being born, newborn infants are able to recognize faces versus other face-shaped images.

The right answer will be a hypothesis that explains how newborn infants posses the ability to recognize faces despite having virtually no experience seeing faces. This could be that they have an inherent ability to do so, or that they particularly remember the faces they saw around them when they were born.

Certain abilities of facial pattern recognition are innate in humans, rather than learned.
Infants have the innate ability to recognize faces, hence why they can recognize faces even as newborns.
The longer an infant stares at an object, the more interesting the infant finds that object.
Why do infants stare at images of faces more than other images? This answer choice doesn’t explain why they’re drawn to faces in the first place.
Infants learn to associate human faces with the necessities of comfort and nourishment.
Newborn infants haven’t learned anything at all. They’re newborns. This doesn’t make sense.
The less an infant stares at an object, the weaker the preference the infant has for that object.
Like (B), we need to know why infants are staring at faces more than other images. This answer doesn’t explain that.
Infants learn to associate the sound of human voices with the images of human faces.
Here, we have the same problem as in (C). Newborns haven’t learned anything.

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LSAT PrepTest 127 Explanations

Section 1 - Logical Reasoning

Section 2 - Logical Reasoning

Section 3 - Logical Reasoning

Section 4 - Reading Comprehension

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