LSAT 127 – Section 1 – Question 18

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J.Y.’s explanation

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Nutritionist: Because humans have evolved very little since the development of agriculture, it is clear that humans are still biologically adapted to a diet of wild foods, consisting mainly of raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, lean meat, and seafood. Straying from this diet has often resulted in chronic illness and other physical problems. Thus, the more our diet consists of wild foods, the healthier we will be.

Summarize Argument: Causal Explanation
The more humans eat wild foods, the healthier we will be because humans have not evolved much since agriculture began, so we are still adapted to a wild food diet. In fact, moving away from eating wild foods has often caused chronic illness and other health problems.

Identify Argument Part
The claim in the stimulus text is a subsidiary conclusion, which is sometimes referred to as a “sub-conclusion” or an “intermediary conclusion” because it is supported by at least one claim and, in turn, supports the main conclusion. It is also referred to as a “major premise” because it directly supports the main conclusion. Here, the stimulus is supported by the claim that “humans have evolved very little since the development of agriculture,” and supports the argument’s main conclusion that “the more our diet consists of wild foods, the healthier we will be.”

It is a conclusion for which the only support offered is the claim that straying from a diet of wild foods has often resulted in chronic illness and other physical problems.
This incorrectly states which premise supports the stimulus text. The stimulus text is a sub-conclusion supported by the claim that “humans have evolved very little since the development of agriculture,” not by the claim about the consequences of straying from a wild diet.
It is a premise for which no justification is provided, but which is used to support the argument’s main conclusion.
This incorrectly states that no justification supports the stimulus text. The stimulus text is a sub-conclusion supported by the claim that “humans have evolved very little since the development of agriculture.”
It is a phenomenon for which the main conclusion of the nutritionist’s argument is cited as an explanation.
This incorrectly labels the stimulus text as context for the nutritionist’s argument. The stimulus text is a sub-conclusion that supports the main conclusion; the main conclusion does not explain it.
It is an intermediate conclusion for which one claim is offered as support, and which is used in turn to support the argument’s main conclusion.
The stimulus text is a subsidiary or “intermediate” conclusion. The claim that humans have evolved little since agriculture developed supports this sub-conclusion, and the sub-conclusion supports the main conclusion that the more humans eat wild foods, the healthier we will be.
It is a premise offered in support of the claim that humans have evolved very little since the development of agriculture.
This incorrectly states which claim the stimulus text supports. The stimulus text is a sub-conclusion supported by the claim that “humans have evolved very little since the development of agriculture,” and it supports the main conclusion in the last sentence.

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LSAT PrepTest 127 Explanations

Section 1 - Logical Reasoning

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