First: Do I needto email the schools and tell ... them to hold off on ... Would it be safe to just send the apps and count on ... : Is it alright tosend an additional addendum after you have submitted an ...
... a couple of my recommenders to finish their letters for me ... least, I needto wait for them... Right? Should I send my incomplete ... letters later? Is it going to hurt my application that it ... will be coming in close to the deadline?
... break to study for the LSAT and I did not do that ... school schedule so I had to quit to finish my undergrad on ... months and I don't needto explain it? or should I ...
... ," it gives you 1000 characters to explain yourself, and ... where you can upload a file to serve ... accurately represents my ability to succeed in law school ... is:
Doyou guys suggest I write within ... accurately represents my ability to succeed)? I don ...
... summer with the plan to take the September LSAT. ... getting worse leading up to September, so I thought ... . I was all set to apply this cycle; obviously ... br />
Obviously, I needto really start from the beginning ... that I did not do well. Should I just ...
... ) but in order todo that I have to study very hard. ... either T14 or nothing. I do have confidence that I could ... that I have told you everything youneedto know about my law ... />
**1) Do law schools really give more consideration to students with ...
... for taking full PTs / BR? Doyou take a full, proctored PT ... BR on the next? Doyou begin BR on the same ... take a full PT and do BR to the point of full ... mental endurance. I am asking to get a rough idea of ... which is full time study) to take full PTs / BR. ...
doyou guys watch all of JY's LG videos for every single logic game youdo? Even for LG's that you got right under the estimated amount of time? Would love to hear any thoughts/advice/pros/cons. thanks so much.
How doyou study for the LSAT? I just finished the CC and watched the post-CC webinar so now the real work begins. I have all summer to study and I want to make the best use of time.
I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to write my LRS on timed sections or if I want todo them in my head. What doyoudo? I'm trying both out but just curious to know what everyone else has done.
... specific; I already know I needto retake the LSAT. However, ... ED app and send it either to Berkeley or Northwestern ... Pros of Berkeley: historically seem to weigh GPA more highly, ... with demonstrated experience, devotion to public interest, and interesting ...
... of this material down to intuition, I've seen ... have used flash cards to drill constantly. I have ... basically. What else have you all placed on flash cards ... can put to use but I do not want to miss anything ... ! If it can help, I want to ...
... doyou all read? What doyou focus on? Underline? Where doyou slow down? When doyou ... pause? What are you ... made, but I would love to know if there's anything ...
... curious about something. When you record yourself, doyou keep the video footage ... I could move it to external harddrive but do people actually rewatch ...
I tend to have music on in the ... I review. I've tried to keep my main jams going ... jamming out, so I had to stop that. I now have ... . So, I'm curious: what do y'all listen to when studying?
I've been studying for the LSAT for a couple of months and I feel like I've run out of fuel, so I just wanted to ask how doyou guys recharge? Im sorry, I'm sure this has been asked hundreds of times before but a little more motivation can't hurt.
... and youneedto get to work. In an effort to solve this problem, you start ... by appeal to something much simpler?
We do this all ... will submit, we should do this on various aspects of ... bad reasoning: sufficient conditions do not operate the same way ...
... be able todo every single problem and have to learn to give up ... some problems. So what type of problems doyou ... guys skip? Like what's your criteria to skip ... how long does it take youto make that decision?
Hey everyone! If I needto add something to my application after I already ... submitted it, can I do ... necessary. Any advice on how to go about this?
... the LSAT? Doyou sometimes feel overwhelmed with trying to maintain good ... would really just like to know that I am ... but I just want to know that I am not ... that feels such intense pressure to preform well. I feel ... Can anybody else relate to any of these things?
... the phone or Skype and sendyou notes after the call.
**What do I needtodo before I use this service?** Youneedto write all ... right now. **Selene may advise youto revise or rewrite large portions ...