... , and smooth is fast”, in my notes over and over ... />
Also, I found the LogicGames portion he covered the most ... could consistently ace every logicgames section during a point in your prep and ... then be able test in the ...
If anyone who has taken/will be taking the LSAT has any specific tips that they would be willing to share specifically on the Analytical Reasoning (logicgames) section that would much appreciated.
... buddies depending on howmany are interested. I got a 145 on an ... goal of 165+. I live in Hawaii. I haven’t met ... any 7Sagers in Hawaii so anyone in the mainland is ... start hitting my score goal in the practice tests, I’ll ...
I'll have to travel to take the August lsat, but I'm not really sure about what will happen in regards to Covid19 during that time. Does anyone know if the Flex can be taken ina different country than the one I registered for?
... about the situations (how fast I was going ina specific speed limit ... , the fact that I got ina ... small car accident a couple years ago ina parking lot ... need to track down a written, formal, in-depth explanation of ...
... in regards to a study schedule. I was wondering- how does your day to day ... look like when studying? Do you guys do 1 PT a ... do inaday/ week, etc?
I just feel a little lost on how ... materials). I need to build a structured routine so I can ...
... I want to do. As a back up I am wondering ... to apply to this program in other states. UCONN and UMD ... ultimately want to practice law in Massachusetts. I've read its ... possible to take the bar ina state other than where you ...
... trying to identify howmany paragraphs the AC for a Main Point question ... the correct AC completely skipped a paragraph in which the author laid ... regarding the effectiveness of a technique he discussed in the rest of ...
... doing really terribly on the logicgames section (like, really bad). games with the fullproofing system? And ... with all the "core curriculum" games?
... br />
I can mail you a couple issues every couple weeks ... can just designate a chain of custody in here or ... first person to agree in here hit me up ... some Scientific American issues in pdf that I'll ... . Will probably take it down inaday or so.
... correct AC is drawing a super fine stretch. Please ... that the hormone is a health risk to people ... the injected amount every day and not be affected ... no one eats a whole deer inaday anyways. This led ... a weakening question, I could see how AC A is correct. Ina ...
When doing Blind review for logicgames, should you do all the questions from scratch or just be able to convince yourself why an answer has to be correct and the other answer choices have to be wrong?
I know for most logicgames we should chain conditionals, but JY did not chain conditionals together on the CD game. Does this mean that there are times when we should not chain conditionals? Thanks.
... scheduled for the June test in about 2 weeks, and I ... am stuck at a score ranging from 156-158 ... so much and not ina good way. Im in need of ways ... to get just a handful more ...
... trying to get one hour inaday during the weekdays and ... 2-3 hours in on either Saturday or ... studying before physical training in the morning but I ... I’m really disheartened at how inconsistent I’ve been. ... know there are others in this community with far ...
... about to fool proof all games from PTs 1-35. Is ... , say, all of the in/out games from 1-35, then turn ... the gamesin PTs 1-35 and, therefore, be exposed to many different ... game types ina random order?
Hi everyone, I just found out that LSAC has plans to gradually remove the logicgames section from the LSAT supposedly through 2023. Was just wondering if anyone knows whether this next testing cycle is going to contain the logicgames section...
... I get overwhelmed when a game has a lot of variables? For ... properly under timed, or through a mbt question chose an answer ... but haven't done so ina month, should I just get ...