... looking for a study buddy or even a group of study ... either go over materials together or blind review practice exams together ... someone local to me or at the bare minimum in my Timezone ... you're interested reply here or shoot me an email. ERamos0321 ...
... 2021 summer either in June or August, and planning to organize ... (we can meet up once or twice to share our thoughts ... /strategies/or just rant...). So, here are ...
... is when using "_not A or B_", the sentence sometimes mean ... a sentence uses "_not A or not B_", then it means ... literally "_not A **or** not B_".
... seeing a sentence "_unless A or B_", I am not sure ... ) not A if not P or not Q_
Contemplating taking on studying as a full time gig, or at minimum reducing my hours at work, but I want to see how many users out there feel they are able to fulfill study goals while working FT!