hey i am looking for a study buddy for the june 2015 lsat i am scoring in the low 70s to high 60s really looking to move up i also have a lot of packets and material that u might find helpful so please let me know
... no chance I could study for the February exam with ... (filled in all Ds for it so I might have ... they're about equal losses for me) and that hasn't ... drill/learn about specifically. So for anyone who has been at ... start with material wise? As for LG, is there any ...
For those 7Sagers taking the February ... this dream can come true for me with persistence, it can ... happen for you too (and thanks to ... 7Sage for all that I've learned ...
... . LSAT score). I've studied for over a year. Unfortunately, it ... . Practice Tests - I used 7sage for the blind review, but there ... time understanding the explanations (especially for LR section - sorry 7sage). Two ...
... trouble with LG but for some reason the last ... I bought Manhattan Guides for RC/LR and several ... Trainer and Manhattan Guide for LR/RC again, but ...
Hi people... today's dose of humor for the over worked: the LSAT will be GREAT... and you WILL go to law school... but don't turn into this person;) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFcqKisUgUQ
LSAT prep noob here and I was just wondering how much of a better candidate I can make myself with, say a 170+ LSAT. I posted a 157 diagnostic, so from the feedback I've received, 170+ is at least within the realm of possibility. I ...
Quick background: I'm heading for the October test and my ... games very, very, very tough. For example, the schedule budgets 4 ... hours for the first five sequencing problem ... />
Here's my question...thanks for being to patient up until ...
... planning to work really tight for June Lsat. I don't ... nothing else other than preparing for LSAT for now. It would be ... to study full time for Lsat together for roughly two months, please ...