Patrick, I know 7sage sells a logic games bundle in the add-on section. It includes all games from PT1-35 which will give you lots of material to work with. If you want more games past 35, then cambridge lsat sells them also.
... Cambridge. Their Packets are from PT1-38 so keep that in ... mind. IMO, from PT 35-74, I would definitely ... timed sections. Although full timed PT'ing are important, I think ... /timing into 4/5 section PT's.
... get the Cambridge drilling packets PT1-38 and start drilling asap ... speed. I would save some PT's in the late 30 ... slowly transition into a full PT without sacrificing accuracy for speed ...
Do those LSAC PT book include the Feb. LSAT? SInce the Feb. LSAT is undisclosed I read in previous posts that the LSAC uses them on their SuperPreps. Is that true? Or is PT1-74 only available to us?
I'm asking since I also have PT1-35 and I read on the LSAT Trainer website were they have all of the questions from PT1-35 listed and which question type it is. So how much would I benefit from the Cambridge packages? Do they offer video explanations?
... the wrong answer. Also i recommenddoing this for the ones that ... improvements in that area by doing the fool proof logic games ... went through each different type, doing anywhere from 2-5 games ...
Oh. Additional games, basically if you go to they are only explanations. You can purchase the LG bundle to access all of the games from PT1-35 under the Courses tab and then go to Extensions and addons
You may also want to consider the Cambridge LG Packets. I believe they have one that uses all game from PT1-38, organized by type and difficulty. In your case, it seems it'd be helpful to be able to focus in on certain types. Just my two cents.
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Have you exhausted every single PT1-74 and the few Feb ... PT's? I'd probably use ... last resort and redrill/PT the same PT1-74. Even if you ... have gone through a PT, it ...
... from the stuff in preptests 1-74? I'm especially interested ... fresh preptests left from the 1-74 because I'm re ... took as whole preptests. From PT1-34, I have some reading ...
Past month and a half... nothing (minus Pt1). About to take PT2 today -- wish me luck! (I anticipate it'll go terrible since I haven't looked at anything recently)
Would there be any case to go ahead and download all the problem sets too? I know the main cause for concern in this is the PT PDfs, but aren't the problem sets derivatives of PT1-35?