... state. My initial scoring was 150-ish. I am finally pt ... . My ultimate goal is to score in the 170's ( 3 ... are diminished even if I score in the 170's if ...
I have started my senior undergrad year, and can only study around 10 hours per week instead of 20-30 that I was in the summer. My PT score has decreased over the last few tests! Is it because of the decreased time spent on studying??
... 't know what my diagnostic score would be as I never ... confident I hit my target score of 173. I want to ... ? It's such a small score improvement that I think I ...
... in December. I have a score from when I took the ... November, WITHOUT my old LSAT score that is due to drop ... law schools take the highest score, but I don't want ... the 2011 score to even show or come ...
... for anything to improve my score substantially beyond my diagnostic. How ... every day NOT improve your score? Really embarrassing, and really disheartening ...
I received my score, and I'm a bit ... two points below my expected score, and three below my most ... recent PT average. This score is 4 points below the ... able to see a significant increase if I take December, because ...
... like I could bump my score up to at least a ... . I'm comfortable with my score for admissions to the schools ... , but I'd like to increase it for financial aid awards ... I apply with my current score and supplement later just for ...
First off, congratulations on your score for the September LSAT!
... at or above your desired score, the stress is over, you ... and ended up in the 150's but guess what? This ...
... December LSAT and seeing my score fluctuate (usually anywhere between 2 ... don't see an increase in my score after drilling and BRing ... to see a steady increase in my score leading up towards December ... only seen an increase in my BR score and am having trouble ...
... taking I would like to score 165, but realistically not sure ... if I can reach that score by December fourth. I would ... least like to score "160" and not in the 150's range ...
... have been happy with my score, but I took a PT ... is the reason why my score went down two days in ... to see the same low score I got two days ago ...