... 3.97 (4.09 CAS GPA), but the numbers wasn't ... Georgetown before I got the Berkeley decision, so I think the ... did a "Why X" for Berkeley, but nothing extra for Georgetown)
... committees given my abysmal undergrad GPA. The advice at the start ... enough to overlook the undergrad GPA given my LSAT numbers. But ... Northern California might suit me. UC Davis is one of three ...
... a T14 here. While the GPA is obviously an important component ... the strong improvement as the UC. Additionally, you can assert that ... more recent performance at the UC is more reflective of your ...
... I received sub 3.0 GPA's (2.7 and 2 ... and show that my overall GPA is not truly reflective of ... ? Or will they see my GPA and have a weaker outlook ...
How does adcom view a 3.0 in chemistry or physics versus a 3.5 or 4.0 in Com/English/Business? The grades would be coming from a T30 undergraduate institution with a T10/T5 science program. Thanks.