Whattypeof room: Toered lecture hall. Important ... note: Each row of seats has one continuous desk ... sheet. Just being aware of this beforehand is preparation enough ... me so can't comment on parking location.
I saw something in a comment somewhere about logic game sets of similar questions to do, and I saw on one explanation JY had "if you struggled with this typeofquestion, here's a bunch more". Are there multiple of these lists/ do these lists exist?
Hey, I recently started the CC and I was curious to know are you all drilling question types while doing CC or do you guys wait until after you have completely finished CC?
... per section for each section on all the PTs I have ... been working on. When I review the questions ... are not consistently the same typeofquestion. Anyone have suggestions for the ... these last few weeks ahead of the September test?
After writing many preptests, I've realized that no matter whattypeof section the section after the break is, I do the worst on that section. I am assuming this is because I lose focus/momentum after the 15 minute break. Wondering how to avoid this?
... the LR section that it's not a particular typeofquestion that ... in the dead center of the test and then ... questions. In the middle of the test, I believe ... it is a lot of time, I feel like ...
Any advice on continuing to focus, without completely ...
This question is applicable to all LRtype questions ... to know what your routine is for improving a certain typeofLRquestion. Do ... you do problem sets and then drill an entire LR ...
... any advice, resources or recommendations on how to sharpen one's ... / invalid argument forms in the LR sections. I know there is ... Flaw, NA/SA/PSA question types which are my worst ... m basically terrible at every typeofquestion that involves being critical about ...
... see the typeof scholarships they offer based on a combination of GPA, LSAT ... to get a higher score on my LSAT then I would ... . Would really appreciate your thoughts on this.
... but having some LR issues. Not really one typeofquestion either so just ... help ( I know we have LR Drill packets but not sure ... when to use them). Working on a full PT every other ...
Hello everyone, on reading comprehension I ... line number in the question stem. I usually read ... . Any suggestions on how to improve on this typeofquestion? Like should ... be asked in the question? Or would that just ... be a waste of time?
Thank ...
I am in the beginning stages of my LSAT prep but am having issues with MSS questions. Any suggestions on how to improve? I have yet to pinpoint one specific reason why I am struggling with this typeofquestion.
For this typeofquestion, I can easily determine what section of the question is what: premise/context ... having selected the correct part of the text, as the conclusion ...
... games are a perfect example of why I get confused as ... to when I should set up my game board as a ... game or a regular grouping. What throws me off is that ... are able to determine whattypeof game board is needed in ...
... answering the questions in LR sections, in hopes of improving time and ... you would answers the LR questions by the typeofquestion (MP, MSS, etc ... of the MSS question and so on. Instead of jumping our minds from one typeofquestion ...
... before moving on, but I have my LR scores in ... of my scores. So I think it makes the most ... time than necessary on LG material without the LR core?
... I scored 18/25 on both LR sections, and 8/24 ... want to start with what I have to improve the moston.
... scoring around a -4/-5 onLR the past few weeks. I ... 'm looking for advice on how to increase my accuracy ... lot of time on parallel flaw questions and will still end up getting ... how to be more efficient on those. Thank you so much ...
... been scoring around -14/-13 onLR. Do you guys think that ... back to the fundamentals of how to tackle question types and drill ... keep taking separate timed sections onLR?