Was wondering because I am doing the course and also using LRB and LGB, but I want to make things simpler. What is your opinon J.Y., and others as well?
... , especially someone that learned strategies from a different course? My biggest ... health absolutely suffered in February from the pressure I put on ...
I took a PT last Saturday and based from the question stem analysis of the test grader (extremely helpful guys), flaw questions gave me the most trouble. What is the best way to approach them?
October is 3 months away from now. While we can take as many prep-tests as possible to keep our mind sharp, we cannot do one set every day. What do you guys do on days that you are not practicing Prep-tests? Doing problem sets? Or reviewing?
... purchased some LSAT question bundles from cambridge lsat and drilled a ... bunch of LG and RC from tests 1-38. After each ... 2-3 hours doing drills from those packets.
... not have to move away from home. I have a mediocre ... my file (155, I think) from last year. I'm only ... want to try and cram from here on in and waste ...
basically atm my last pt a few weeks ago was 149 starting from a 140. Kinda thinking i am screwed for october, might have to push back to december. i ordered the bp lg game book so if I get good jumps in lg it may help a lot.