LSAT 113 – Section 4 – Question 07

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Hazel: Faster and more accurate order processing would help our business. To increase profits, we should process orders electronically rather than manually, because customers’ orders will then go directly to all relevant parties.

Max: We would lose money if we started processing orders electronically. Most people prefer to interact with human beings when placing orders. If we switch to electronic order processing, our business will appear cold and inhuman, and we will attract fewer customers.

Speaker 1 Summary
Hazel concludes that we should process orders electronically rather than manually in order to increase profits. This is because an electronic process would allow customers’ orders to go directly to the relevant people, which will lead to faster and more accurate order processing.

Speaker 2 Summary
Max concludes that we would lose money if we used electronic order processing. This is because most people prefer to interact with humans when placing orders, and using an electronic system will make the business appear cold and human. This will lead to fewer customers.

We’re looking for a point of disagreement. The speakers disagree about whether an electronic order processing system would help the business make money. Hazel thinks it would. Max thinks it wouldn’t.

electronic order processing is faster and more accurate than is manual order processing
Max doesn’t express an opinion. He thinks electronic processing will be less attractive to customers, but that doesn’t mean he thinks it’s not faster and more accurate than manual processing.
faster and more accurate order processing would be financially beneficial to their business
Max doesn’t express an opinion. He thinks electronic processing will make the business lose money, but that doesn’t mean he thinks faster and more accurate order processing will hurt the business. He might think a different process that’s faster and more accurate would help.
switching to electronic order processing would be financially beneficial to their business
This is a point of disagreement. Hazel thinks switching would help the business make money. Max thinks switching will make the business lose money.
their business has an obligation to be as profitable as possible
Neither speaker expresses an opinion. Although both seem to want the business to make money, that doesn’t imply a belief about an obligation to make the most profit possible. What if there’s a limit to how much money a business should make? We don’t know what they think.
electronic order processing would appear cold and inhuman to most of their customers
Hazel doesn’t express an opinion. She doesn’t comment on whether customers will think electronic processing appears cold and inhuman. Although she does think electronic processing will make more money, that doesn’t imply a belief about the potential cold and inhuman appearance.

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