LSAT 116 – Section 2 – Question 07

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J.Y.’s explanation

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Failure to rotate crops depletes the soil’s nutrients gradually unless other preventive measures are taken. If the soil’s nutrients are completely depleted, additional crops cannot be grown unless fertilizer is applied to the soil. All other things being equal, if vegetables are grown in soil that has had fertilizer applied rather than being grown in non-fertilized soil, they are more vulnerable to pests and, as a consequence, must be treated with larger amounts of pesticides. The more pesticides used on vegetables, the greater the health risks to humans from eating those vegetables.

Failure to rotate crops depletes the soil’s nutrients gradually unless other preventative measures are taken. If the soil’s nutrients are completely depleted, then additional crops can be grown only if fertilizer is applied to the soil. If vegetables are grown in soil that has had fertilizer rather than being grown in non-fertilized soil, they are more vulnerable to pests. Consequently, these vegetables must be treated with larger amounts of pesticides. The more pesticides used on vegetables, the greater the health risks to humans from eating those vegetables.

Notable Valid Inferences
The vegetables were grown in soil not completely depleted of nutrients.

The soil in which the vegetables were grown may have been completely depleted of nutrients because of an earlier failure to rotate crops.
Must be false. As shown in our diagram, soil that is completely depleted and growing crops requires the use of fertilizer.
It is not possible that the vegetables were grown in soil in which crops had been rotated.
Could be false. We have no information in the question stem that would trigger the first set of conditionals in our diagram. We are only given the condition that fertilizer has never been used, which triggers our second set of conditionals.
The vegetables were grown in soil that had not been completely depleted of nutrients but not necessarily soil in which crops had been rotated.
Must be true. As shown below, if fertilizer has never been used it is impossible that the soil is completely depleted of nutrients.
Whatever the health risks to humans from eating the vegetables, these risks would not be attributable to the use of pesticides on them.
Could be false. We only know that the vegetables were grown in soil that has never had fertilizer applied. We do not know whether pesticides were also used.
The health risks to humans from eating the vegetables were no less than the health risks to humans from eating the same kinds of vegetables treated with pesticides.
Could be false. We only know that the more pesticides used on crops, the greater the health risks to humans. We do not know whether pesticides were used on the vegetables, we only know that they were grown in soil that has never had fertilizer.

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